Pregfit Online Program
Only $47.00 USD one time EVER
(Payment converted to your local currency,
which is about $59Aus, £33, €38)
What you get:
For a one time payment of ONLY $47 you will get LIFETIME access to the program and any future upgrades.
Pregnancy Specific Fitness Program:
Doesn't matter your fitness level or experience
Workouts designed to prepare you for birth
Workouts scaled for your trimester
A full section on how to do exercises safely for pregnancy
Short workouts in video format
all workouts can be done in under 15 minutes without leaving the house
all workouts can be done with kids around
printable workout sheets
No equipment needed
you choose how many workouts you do each week
bonus workouts if you want to do more
Eating for Birth and Beyond
How to eat for an EMPOWERING birth
poisons (what foods to avoid)
Combat cravings (even if you have no willpower)
lots of simple recipes
BONUS pregfit energy cookbook
Simple Daily Rituals for an EMPOWERING birth
Pregfit specific stretches
perinial massage (to prevent vagina tearing on birth)
breathing techniques for a pain free birth
A 20 minute positive affirmation guided meditation
BONUS important Pregnancy stuff
I've had 6 births, there are some things I learnt in the last few that I wish I knew for the first ones.
Your birth plan
birthing options (I've had 3 hospital births and 3 home births.)
how to avoid the "horror story" friends and the "expert" aunties
Involving your other kids in the birth
how to turn a posterior baby
what to do with a breach
what to do after the baby is born (and you're on your own)
Support Forum:
We’ve long understood how beneficial it is to feel supported in your pregnancy. The Secret Facebook Group is the perfect place to connect with other pregnant mums who are on the same journey as you.
We really want you to start looking after yourself starting TODAY. So we're going to entice you EVEN MORE by giving you access to the group for FREE if you sign up today.
Step 1: Program Login
Tell us where to send the login details for the program:
Step 2: Once off Payment

So many people commented on how healthy I looked
“ I felt amazing, slept beautifully the WHOLE pregnancy. No aches and pains in my joints like my two previous pregnancies, loads of energy. I didn't have any 'pregnancy' cravings. ”

I've recommended Pregfit to anyone who would listen
“ I’ve bought many pregnancy books, however all but yours I’ve put down after I’ve started reading them. Pregfit encouraged me to feel strong, capable, mentally clear and beautiful. It’s the reason I am feeling so good during my pregnancy. ”
OBGyn didn't expect this!
“My OB told me there was no doubt I would end up in a a C section after she induced me. I completely blew her away with a normal vaginal birth even with being induced.”
It's THAT good
"The program is great, I bought the program and the book (which I read in one sitting, it's that good) ”
My wife loves it Sharny
We are 12 weeks tomorrow and until she got Pregfit she was feeling negative about how her body was changing"

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